Cardiovascular Disease
Our heart and vascular system should remain strong to support our bodies.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in Australia, with 45,600 deaths attributed to CVD in Australia in 2011. Cardiovascular disease kills one Australian every 12 minutes. Cardiovascular disease is one of Australia's largest health problems. Despite improvements over the last few decades, it remains one of the biggest burdens on our economy. When it comes to heart health prevention is the best medicine.
Cardiovascular disease includes diseases of the heart and blood vessels such as coronary heart disease, stroke and heart failure.
The risk of coronary heart disease can be reduced by taking steps to prevent and control those adverse factors that put people at greater risk for heart disease and heart attack. Lifestyle changes are the key and foundation to an ongoing and healthy cardiovascular system.
We have experience and success in treating the following conditions:
Post Stroke
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Varicose veins
Blood Sugar irregularities